The Challenge: Double Agents Power Rankings — Week 18
Welcome back to another edition of Power Rankings!!! We took a week off, but on the eve of The Final it’s important we dive back in. Inside this week: We ship off the Brits, CT falls into the fountain in his foyer, I make my pick for the Final, and much much more…
30) Joseph
29) Nicole
28) Wes
27) Liv
26) Nelson
25) Natalie
24) Tori
23) Lio
22) Ashley
21) Jay
20) Mechie
19) Theresa
18) Amber M.
17) Lolo
16) Josh
15) Devin
14) Nam
13) Gabby
12) Darrell
11) Aneesa
10) Big T
I skipped a week, so I wasn’t able to rightly say goodbye to Big T. Her under-edit/early exit on War of the Worlds 2 aside, Big T has embodied the ways to earn your slot on the Challenge roster by checking off all of the intangibles.
I’m sure we’ll all see you soon, Tula.
9) Kyle
Technically Kyle lost to Fessy last week, but in all reality he lost to the Challenge Gods
It’s funny that the guy who loves doing The Challenge the most got put through the absolute ringer by the game this season. Won the first guys elimination? Check. Steal Kam as a partner and ride the best girl in the house to a strong foundation? Check. Get Kam stolen from you, and slowly piece by piece lose everything you worked so hard for? Check.
Oh…and now your fingers broken.
I did check, but there isn’t a version of Remember The Titans where they all have British accents, so Big T and Kyle if you’re reading this, I apologize. Play em out boys!!!
8) Amber
Over the weekend, Amber made an appearance on the Redditors React Podcast and it was amazing to me how the co-host of that show, Levi and George, were able to extract nine million times more personality out of her than The Challenge was able to.
Check the episode out, as it’s worth it to hear the story of the Rookie of the Year. It’s much more interesting than the last 17 weeks would have ever let you know.
7) Mature Nany
Wait…so maybe this whole time…if she was just Mature Nany during a whole season…she would have success…???
Quick, nobody tell her.
6) Cory
Although I never believed for one second it was going to happen, when we got there, I was genuinely feeling pangs of guilt about the grand “Kam volunteers so Cory gets stuck going in” plan.
It’s hard to even figure out when it happened, but I care a lot about Cory at this point. Anyone who’s been around as long as him and has had as interesting of a ride as he has, as a Challenge fan, you have no choice but to start caring about their success.
Would have never thought this, but once Leroy’s gone after Wednesday, is Cory going to end up as my sentimental favorite? It’s a strange world we live in.
5) CT
He’s been Target #1 since Day #1.
But CT’s a little like Tony Montana in that he’ll take all your fuckin bullets.
Tony eventually took one too many, and CT getting saddled with a rookie partner in the Final might be the guy with the shotgun climbing through the backdoor. He’s still the king until de-throned, but the rival drug lord’s soldiers are pounding at the gates.
4) Fessy
In any good story, the villains either have to be so over-the-top that you can’t relate at all to them (think the Joker), or so relatable that you empathize with them and ultimately see their point (think Magneto or Johnny Lawrence).
Fessy is neither of those. I’m looking forward to not having to write about him again for a little while.
3) Kaycee
If you were stranded on Mars for the last two years like Matt Damon, and the only way to watch The Challenge was through text/e-mail updates from a fellow Challenge watcher working for NASA that understands how crucial it is to keep up, you would think Kaycee came flying onto the scene like a comet. Two Finals in two seasons? Eight daily challenge wins? Elimination wins against Theresa and Kailah?
You’d be so excited to finally get back to earth just to see who this Kaycee person is.
But if you were like the rest of us and stranded on Earth instead, she barely pops off the screen. It’s such a strange dynamic because she seems like a really nice person, she’s literally done nothing in two seasons that would make me go “huh, maybe living with her for a few months wouldn’t be the best”, and overall she’d be a good hang for like a catch-up Tuesday Happy Hour.
I’m not rooting against her and I’m not rooting for her, I’m just not rooting at all. But her resume speaks for itself and she’s had an insanely impressive two season run.
2) Leroy
I’ve been known to cry while watching things. I cry every time I watch one of those highlight videos of the 2016 Cubs World Series. I cried at the end of the NWA movie the first time I watched in theaters. And I cried the other day watching the pilot of LOST. I know that sounds really strange, but it’s my favorite show of all time, and it’s just been so long since I saw Jack, Hurley and the rest of my friends so I got emotional. Back off okay?
Leroy winning on Wednesday night would be no different.
1) Kam
Kam has been at #1 or hovering around it since the first episode, and it’s for good reason. Politically she was dominant this season. She definitely got some luck on her side, but sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good. Her and Cory compliment each other really well, so if I had to put my hard earned money in it, they would be my pick.
Enjoy the Final everyone!