The Challenge Double Agents Episode 8 Preview

Brian Batty
4 min readFeb 2, 2021


  • Life is a Highway

This is the first time Leroy’s ever had the keys to the car. He’s always been happy to just ride shotgun or control the aux cord from the back seat. But actually driving the car is a whole different animal. You’re entirely responsible for getting from point A to point B. In this case point B being a championship ring. That can be a heavy crown to wear.

Kam is in a similar situation, except the problem is I don’t have quite as much sweat equity with her as I do Leroy. Vendetta’s and Final Reckoning combine to be one of the best two season starts a Challenger can really hope to have. Both War of the Worlds 1 and 2, her game was much more muted. Tremendously effective, but not quite as see-able. But both of those, specifically the sequel, she was never driving the car alone she always had a co-pilot.

Now that they have both the skulls and the political capital, Kam and Leroy are sitting on Aladdin’s Magic Carpet right now. How they navigate the roads moving forward will be so much fun to watch.

I want him to succeed in a way that supersedes joy. It’s almost as if I need it to happen to validate my own sense of self. For a full one third of my life, this is a person I’ve rooted for as passionately as I root for any of my other sports franchises. If he retires without a win I’ll walk through the rest of my life with an empty feeling. Like I did it all for nothing.

2020 has left us all empty enough Leroy, it’s time you drove yourself and the fans you’ve earned over the last decade to the promised land. I call shotgun.

  • Nice to Mech Ya

I know three things about Mechie.

I know he’s not a big fan of cold water.

I know he’s a fan of indecisive outer-wear as seen here, spotted in the background of Klub K0ViD wearing the strangest amalgam of sweatshirt I’ve ever seen in my life.

I see that we share the same affinity for dishware efficiency. This was proved last week here, where he’s seen using the pizza box as his plate.

Other than that, I got nothing. I have a sneaky suspicion that it’s not because he’s a boring person. He has obvious charisma. So what gives? Where’s he been? Has he not made a single interesting backdoor deal with anyone? There’s rumors online he’s been the only one doing any hooking up, so it’s not like he isn’t giving The Challenge Gods anything to show. I don’t even know where his loyalties are. Who’s he voting with? Who’s he having game conversations with?

I’m starting to feel like I did towards the end of Lost’s run. I have more questions than answers and I’m running out of time to get the closure I want.

  • These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty

The Challenge has a feeder system problem, and I’m worried that it’s only going to get worse.

Let’s take an honest look at the rookies and see which ones we would even want back. Now, obviously I’ve been wrong before. Big T is the prime example, as she was a dud as a rookie and is now firmly entrenched in the call-back rumor circle for the rest of eternity.

Joseph? Maybe. Liv? Probably not. Natalie? Definitely will be back. Lio? I mean, that would be shocking. The Amber’s are both definitely going to get a round two. As is Lolo if she wants it. Mechie will certainly be availible, but anything outside a courtesy casting next season would be a surprise. Nam is, ya know, Nam. And I guess I could see Gabby coming back as the Brits are hurting for representation as it is.

Point is, there is not a single A1 From Day 1 rookie on this cast(so far). The Challenge Gods haven’t given them much time in the kitchen, but it’s possible they already know they hired some shitty cooks.

Thanks for reading If you enjoyed this, be sure to check out my updated Power Rankings which come out every Sunday. As well as check back on Thursday for my Episode 8 Recap! Also, be sure to check out my Moment In Challenge History series Vol. 1, Vol. 2, and Vol. 3. As always, happy Challenge watching!



Brian Batty
Brian Batty

Written by Brian Batty

Writing about MTV’s The Challenge, one of America’s great institutions

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