The Challenge: Double Agents Episode 5 Recap — Winners & Losers
Welcome back ! Last night’s episode had a little bit of everything and there’s a lot to parse through. So grab onto a ledge near your favorite waterfall in Iceland and settle in to another edition of Winners & Losers. This week, Cory and Fessy stretch the boundaries of the English language, Darrell’s full of shit, a Duel 2/The Bachelor crossover (???), and much more…
Winner: The word ‘Bruh’
Or it’s derivates, ‘Bro’ & ‘Breh’
I counted six between Cory and Fessy during this conversation alone. While not quite on the “Ronnie grilling burgers in a white tank top at 4 am after a night out at Karma” level, that’s roughly six too many bruh’s for two grown men to be saying out loud.
Winner: The Audience
No matter what your thoughts and feelings about her, Ashley’s return makes the show and the game exponentially more intriguing.
Loser: Darrell
So I did. A crippling fear of heights has plagued me my entire life, so I was looking forward to finally having a catchy phrase in my back pocket to explain it to people.
Height shock isn’t a thing.
I don’t know what the fuck Darrell was talking about. After sorting through ten pages of Google results for car parts, I realized maybe I was approaching this wrong.
Some may be saying, well maybe that’s just your Google algorithm. Nope. I live in Chicago I have no need for a car. So I switched it up and tried “height shock fear of heights”
Nope, nothin.
Darrell, if you’re reading this, you have some explaining to do.
Loser: Jay’s Shirt Buttons
Long distance relationships never work.
Loser: Creativity
A reader recently brought to my attention that on the first episode of Tori and Aneesa’s recap podcast that I don’t listen to, they mentioned that the cast wanted to call the club in their backyard ‘The Cligloo’
….The Cligloo…
Apparently production hated it. Yeah, no shit.
That’s seriously the best they could come up with? I’ve been calling it Klub K0ViD all season and that’s not even clever. I mean, they have nothing else to do but sit around and come up with names for things and ‘The Cligloo’ is the best they got?!?!?!?!?!?!!??! Lemme just throw some pickles at the window real quick and see what I can cook up…
The Bubble Bar…not that great, but better than The Cligloo
The Germ…pretty bad
The Quarantini Lounge…not the best, but we’re getting close. Plus, still better than The Cligloo
Vaccination Station…again, not great
There is nothing more intergalacticly disappointing than The Cligloo
Holy shit I need a life.
Winner: Couples Supporting Each Other’s Clothing Lines
Leroy wore a hoodie with his girlfriend’s nickname on it and Tori wore one of Jordan’s awful sweaters with tiny little holes and stains all over it.
One of those has aged better than the other.
Winner: MJ
I might be getting a little too cute with this one, but I can’t help myself. On this season of The Bachelor, there’s a contestant named MJ with blonde curly hair…
…and I just cannot help but be reminded of another MJ with blonde curly hair…
Nice try Simulation Gods, but I’m onto you.
Loser: Tori’s High School Physics Teacher
:: strength or force gained by motion or a series of events ::
//“The cart full of medicine balls gained momentum when pulled by the competitor”//
Winner: Aneesa
Winner: Devin
Devin’s a rogue agent now which means he doesn’t have to participate in, well anything really for a while. I expect him to get absolutely slamhammered more than a few times, and I cannot wait to watch him try and wind Josh up some more.
Thanks for reading! Be sure to check back on Sunday for my latest Power Rankings and happy Challenge watching!