The Challenge: Double Agents — Episode 4 Preview

What To Look For

Brian Batty
5 min readJan 5, 2021

Welcome back to another edition of What To Look For. This week we decide which team would be best to call if you needed help moving, TJ’s favorite beverage is Twisted Tea, and one screenshot says it all.

  • Daddy Tomato turned to Baby Tomato, who was lagging behind the family, and said “catch up”.
Me trying to remember which Amber is which

Last time you watched a new episode of The Challenge; you were still scrambling for last minute Christmas gifts, you hadn’t listened to twelve hours of true-crime podcasts in the car, and The Office was still on Netflix.

A lot has changed in the world. So let’s do a quick recap of the cast, and go through each pairing and get our sea-legs back going into tomorrow night.

These pairings are listed in order of my remembering them when writing this blog post:

Nany/Josh — Maybe Josh’s impulsivity will rub off on Mature Nany and one of these nights she’ll tie one on and play us the hits.

Kaycee/Leroy — Leave it to someone from Big Brother to make a partnership with the most trustworthy Challenge competitor ever rife with mistrust.

Kam/Kyle — The more I think about it, the more brilliant I think Kyle’s decision to partner with Kam really was. It forces the hand of all the people she’s working with, and they all play such a scared game he knows he can sit on easy street.

Aneesa/Fessy — Still by far my favorite team to think about. I cannot wait to see who stabs who in the back. You know this relationship isn’t ending amicably. My money’s on Aneesa, she’s got less to lose and lets be real Fessy’s clearly going for the “fake it till you make it” strategy.

Theresa/Jay — On the trailer for this season, there’s a short clip where they show Theresa wiping tears from her eyes saying “why did I have to get stuck with him”. Most fans speculated she was speaking about Wed because of two things. Number one, they used to date. Number two, the editors cut right to a shot of Wes after she said it.

Now that Wes is gone, who could it be? Leroy, another former fling? Josh, the ultimate annoyance? It was actually about pairings in the drinking game they were playing and Theresa’s as dramatic as she always was? Only time can tell.

Gabby/Lio — The Challenge Gods have given me nothing with these two. Nothing. I’m speechless. My grade school teachers would be so happy.

Liv/Mechie — Liv’s arm might be broken? Did we ever get confirmation on that?

Amber B./Darrell — On the reunion of Season One of Jersey Shore, the producers show Ronnie a “never-before-seen” clip of Sammie talking to The Situation about how she’s gonna be single and she don’t need no man and yadda yadda. Ronnie, of course, took this rationally. He basically dumped Sam on the spot and said something I’ll never forget. He said “I cut girls like barbers, bro”

Not that these two situations are the same in any way. Or that Darrell and Ronnie have anything at all in common. But if and when Darrell gets his skull, he’s almost certainly getting a haircut.

Amber M./Nelson — “Tune in tomorrow night to find out what goofy antics Nelson will get into next!”

Lolo/Nam —They would definitely be the team to call if I needed help moving.

Natalie/Cory — She went from winning for Wes’s ego to winning for Cory’s kids. Not a bad trade off.

Big T/Little T — They’re wonderful. That’s all I got. Sometimes you just gotta let the chef cook the dinner.

Tori/Devin — Devin’s got his skull and is going to talk about it a lot. Tori doesn’t have a skull and is going to talk about it a lot.

  • Left Foot Blue, Right Hand Yellow

The Twist.

We all know it’s coming, but what is it? Usually it’s fairly obvious, and despite Tori’s attempts to explain it “changes the whole game”, is usually a bit lackluster.

On War of the Worlds, there was a three-way elimination between the teams of CT/Julia, JP/Natalie, and Kyle/Mattie. There was a women’s heat and a men’s heat, and the two winners would form the new pair. But in classic Challenge fashion, the two winners were Kyle and Mattie so there wasn’t a new team formed at all.

I’m like 98% sure that somewhere along the line somebody said “what if we took that elimination, and made it the whole season.”

And then the pyro gal/guy chimed in, “BUT ON FIRE!!!”

“Sure Greg, but let’s table that for now.”

I’m also like 98% sure that same twist is going to happen here on Double Agents. The losing team will head down to The Pit, the winning team will choose their opponent, then TJ will be like “BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!” And tell them to bring down another team.

But it’s a dirty game. And that won’t be the only twist. So what else is coming?

I can’t figure out it out mostly because I’m not intelligent enough, but partly because I don’t want to. Sometimes you gotta consume the art as the artist intended.

  • Who Wants A Concussion?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…but this one will only need two.

As always, thanks for reading! If you missed my latest two articles, updated Power Rankings, and A Moment In Challenge History Vol. 1: CT and Theresa Play Strip Basketball, click those links! And be sure to check back on Thursday for the Winners & Losers of Episode 4. Happy Challenge Watching!



Brian Batty
Brian Batty

Written by Brian Batty

Writing about MTV’s The Challenge, one of America’s great institutions

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