The Challenge Double Agents Episode 10 Recap — Winners & Losers
Welcome back to another edition of Winners & Losers! Episode 10 was full of holes, Devin, and more Amber’s than we even know what to do with. Inside this edition Nam drops wisdom, our favorite production employee returns, Gabby earns her stripes, and much much more…
Winner: Nostra-CT
I loved the idea of CT sitting there spewing predictions and hot takes like he’s filming afternoon ESPN programming. It makes me wonder, is there any backdoor gambling going on on this show? Like is there a Challenge bookie that sets odds on the busride to the elimination?
Because of spoilers (and other obvious reason) The Challenge is the only sport in the world you aren’t able to gamble on. I’m dying to know if there’s high level bets being placed on elimination match-ups, and who sets the odds, and what’s the biggest upset odds-wise ever…so many questions, so few answers.
Loser: Disingenuous Make-Outs
Fessy: omg theres a camera
Gabby: should we like kiss lol
Fessy: okay haha
Gabby: k but u have to kiss me hehe
Fessy: lol ok
Winner: Namisms
“Time is the only thing you cannot buy.”
“I would be like ice and she would be like fire in this case. And you know ice and fire do not work together very well.”
“Teamwork definitely makes the dreamwork.”
He sounds like the manager at their first shift at their new Taco Bell branch, the one on the other side of town they gave you an extra fifty bucks a week to transfer to, trying to motivate a group of disenfranchised teenagers to upsell soft shell taco supreme’s
Winner: Try Hards
Shout out to all the try hards for sprinting out of the gate as if that portion of this daily challenge was at all important.
Winner: The Location Scout
While the actual activity portion of the daily challenge’s this season have been a lackluster overall, the backgrounds and look to all of them have been gorgeous. The black sand. The icey white water. The ominous low mountain ranges behind it all. All the elements looming just beyond reach, taunting the group for what is sure to be a miserable Final Challenge.
Winner: The Pyro Gal/Guy
They’re back!
With perhaps the most gratuitous performance of all time.
Loser: Foreshadowing
Okay so I’ll be honest, I’m a little worried.
I consider myself somewhat of a Reality TV Gumshoe in that I can usually get a sense of producer interference or when the editing is trying to tell us something. And this week, I caught wind of some foreshadowing that smells like poop.
- CT says that Josh isn’t a threat
- Nam hurts his back during the daily challenge
- After the daily, back at the house, Devin is having a conversation with both Nam and CT saying that he would love to see Josh go down to elimination against one of them. They couldn’t agree more.
- Yet, it’s a women’s elimination night and none of that comes to fruition.
Now it’s possible all of that was just to build up to the psyche out later on, leaving us wondering the entire time which side of the house would be up for elimination that night. But I don’t know. Something tells me there was more to it.
Could you imagine a worse possible outcome than Josh beating CT in something?
Winner: Fessy’s Steamer
Okay so I had this screenshot you see above from Episode 7 because I was going to make a joke about it. Like you have nowhere else to hang your shirt? Is this a common steaming technique that I don’t know about?
But then I didn’t end up using it, mostly because I forgot to, but let’s fast forward to last night…
…it’s probably just a slip up by the editors. But what if it’s not. What if that’s Fessy’s lucky shirt and he has to steam it every day? Like a security blanket. Maybe that’s the shirt he wore when he won Prom King. Maybe it was a gift from someone back home, and he’s just being a good friend wearing it. Maybe it’s the shirt he wore when he murdered that guy in Gatlinburg Tennessee in 2015. I guess we’ll never know for sure.
Winner: Classic Reality TV Insults
After another lifeless evening in Klub K0ViD (although we did get our first official name for it, said in such a way that makes me think it’s what the all called it regularly, when Devin called it the Ice Dome. Ugh, how lame) Josh again attempted shoehorning himself into camera time by walking in on Devin and giving it his best Josh effort at saying something clever.
Devin, realizing their repartee had jumped the shark by this point, excused himself from the situation. This then led directly to a scene with Kyle, Amber M., and Gabby sitting on the couch.
Now this is the part I am super confused about. What time of day was this happening? It kind of seems like the morning, but Kyle is still dressed as if it were the night before. But Gabby doesn’t neccesarily seem like she’s slept at all. And the lighting would suggest it’s still dark out. But here’s where it gets weird.
Devin, wearing full on sweats, grabs coffee…wait a minute…coffee?
What fucking time is it? Is it like 5 am, and somebody had already brewed coffee before the sun came up, but Kyle, Amber M., and Gabby were still awake partying? But Devin of all people is just up and at ’em, full of energy?
Anyways, Devin comes and joins the group on the couch much to the dismay of his partner Gabby. He opens the floor by simply stating, it was barely a question in phrasing, “Gabby, what do you want.” This extended olive branch sets Gabby off and she wants nothing to do with it. She then deploys one of my favorite all time Reality TV insults when she says “it’s not the Devin show”.
Telling an enemy it’s not the “their name” show has been a staple of reality televion rivalries for decades. It’s a tried and true jab that can be applied to almost any situation where you’re upset about the attention grabbing antics of someone on a show about grabbing attention.
Loser: Kaycee
Third wheeling is tough. But nothing is worse than being stuck between a couple who’s arguing about nothing besides the fact that they’re a couple. Add in the tiny fact that Lolo and Nam aren’t even a couple, they’re just partners on a game show, and that must have made that whole exchange extra awkward. Kaycee just had to stand there helpless in the middle, devoid of a way out.
Loser: Lolo & Nam
E-mail me directly ( if you can explain to me what Lolo and Nam were fighting about. Winner gets a prize to be determined upon understanding.
Winner: Gabby
Getting lit up by TJ is sort of a rite of passage for any Challenge, so she should be happy she got to experience it. It’s partially on TJ though, as he has to understand taht Gabby’s currency right now is time and episodes. If anything, she made a great move tonight ensuring that not only will she last another week, but she’s almost ensured herself even more screen time moving forward.
Life is all about perspective.
Winner: Gnarly Level
Thanks to TJ I’ve discovered the true measure of humans, their Gnarly Level. Now, should Gabby be insulted that TJ insinuated her Gnarly Level was on par with Amber M.’s? Who has the all-time highest Gnarly Level? Rivals 2 CT? If that’s the case, then that means Rivals 3 Brandon has easily the lowest all time Gnarly Level.
How much would you pay to have TJ judge your Gnarly Level? Five dollars? Eight? I’d probably go as high as ten, but it may end up being an exercise in futility as I worry TJ would take one look at my Gnarly Level and tell me to take care and that my time in my own apartment is over.
Winner: Amber
Between the space bar, the letter, and the period I’ve wasted much too much of my life differentiating between the two Amber’s on this page. But this week, The Challenge God’s smiled down upon me. I can now just type “Amber” and everyone will know exactly who I’m talking about. Amber is the color of your energy, ya know?
Amber M. went head-to-head with Amber B. in the much clamored for and highly anticipated Battle of the Ambers. They were destined to destroy each other, two halves of the same hole. It’s fitting they had such a poetic ending, being pitted together by fellow Itty Bitty Small Committee founding member Gabby.
Amber M. got destroyed, but since she’s roughly 4'7" and Amber B. did rugby in gym class once she really didn’t stand much of a chance from the jump. Speaking of…
Winner: Amber M.
Now imagine if Lolo did get to go down there and it was those two against each other in a Hall Brawl?
You know what? You’re right, I want to see it too. TJ? Let’s run it back!